in university training, research in collaboration with companies, communication and dissemination and search for research funds
such as wastes valorisation, optimized biocatalysts for industrial processes, lignocellulose hydrolysis, microbial fermentations
in Europe and in the other continents where collaborative research and training activities have been carried out
with which cooperation activities have been carried out in the context of funded research projects and networking
I have dedicated my professional life to research which then became a mission, which I have continuously fueled with new ambitious goals in other fields as well.
In fact, I have always felt within me a tension to overcome my limits, embracing the admonition of Saint Augustine "Overcome yourself and you will overcome the world".
We have worked with big brands. Here are the companies that have chosen us:
In fact, a fundamental aspect of my vision is to help reduce the gap between the world of research and industry because it allows us to create that indispensable bond for transforming research results into tangible results for progress and our lives. A fundamental aspect for this is communicating science to the community, as the main final recipient of these efforts.
For this reason, on 13 February 2019 I set up CIAK SI SCIENZA as a non-for-profit organisation aimed at environmental protection, and then renamed it EDEN SHIFT, to better explain the aim of creating a change towards a new green era, which projects us towards an ideal world, symbolically represented by Eden!
I am a chemist and PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology. Associate Professor of Fermentation Chemistry and Biotechnology at the University of Naples Federico II (Naples). On 31 March 2017 I obtained the National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor in Fermentation Chemistry and Biotechnology.
I was included in the list of the best scientists in the world -about 2%, equal to 100,000 researchers- of 2019 (DOI: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.2) and 2020 (DOI: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.3).
I am coordinator of the EXPERTS-BUSINESS NETWORK on "(Eco)sustainability and (Bio)Circular Economy" (acronym Ecircular), which involves more than 50 private companies and about 150 researchers and is in an expansion phase.
Engaged, for over 20 years, in research activities in the field of green chemistry, i.e. a chemistry that respects the environment, and industrial biotechnologies, which adopt environmentally friendly transformations carried out by organisms or their parts for industrial purposes for sustainable development
I am the coordinator of the Federico II University Task Force in Circular Bioeconomy, a team of experts who work synergistically in multidisciplinary and complementary fields to intensify research, development and training activities, increase access to European Union funds and increase technology transfer and consolidate the relationship with private companies in the areas of circular transition and the bioeconomy, strategic and crucial areas of the Green Deal (
Author of over 100 scientific articles published in international peer reviewed journals (Hindex 36)
Winner of very competitive grants for financing large highly multidisciplinary industrial research projects in which I was coordinator mainly in collaboration with private companies to develop new competitive and environmentally friendly products and processes of industrial interest.
I have established collaborations with many foreign companies, research centers and universities in order to broaden the horizons of my research globally.
If you want to know which of the initiatives and activities of and I then renamed EDEN SHIFT, to better explain the aim of creating a change towards a new green era, which projects us towards an ideal world, symbolically represented by Eden!.is best suited to your needs, fill out the form you find here and you will be contacted as soon as possible.
If you wish to learn more about which of our activities is best suited to your needs and can create greater benefits for your company, fill out the form you find here and you will be contacted as soon as possible for a free consulence.